Alibaba ACA Cloud Native (ACA-CloudNative) Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium Alibaba ACA Cloud Native Certification Practice Exam. The premium certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual Alibaba Cloud Native (ACA) exam.

Alibaba ACA Cloud Native Sample Questions:

01. Which type of resource is NOT suitable for creation via Helm Chart?
a) Kubernetes Service
b) Kubernetes Deployment
c) KMS Secrets
d) Prometheus Operator
02. For database migration, if the source database uses Oracle database features, which Alibaba Cloud database should you choose for migration?
a) PolarDB
b) RDS
c) AnalyticDB
d) ApsaraDB
03. How many Container Registry types are there in Alibaba Cloud?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
04. Which of the following is not an ACK type?
a) Managed Kubernetes clusters
b) Dedicated Kubernetes clusters
c) Subscription Kubernetes clusters
d) Serverless Kubernetes clusters
05. How many vGPU ratio is NOT supported on ACK?
a) 1:2
b) 1:4
c) 1:8
d) 1:16
06. What kind of cluster templates can NOT be chosen when creating an ACK cluster?
a) Standard managed cluster
b) Geterogeneous Compute Cluster (GPU)
c) Elastic Bare Metal Cluster (Bare-metal)
d) Edge Computing
e) Windows
f) E-MapReduce
07. For worker nodes, which of the following statement is NOT correct?
a) If worker node capacity is more than 1000 cores, consider using EBM (ECS Bare Metal)
b) You should choose higher instance specifications, because you can run more tasks on a single worker node this way, improving utilization
c) Attach data disk to worker nodes, because Docker image, system logs, and temp data will consume space. Without a data disk, systems can quickly run out of disk space
d) Ensure redundant worker node capacity for each running pod
08. What kind of monitoring can NOT be covered by Alibaba Cloud services?
a) Infrastructure Monitoring
b) Container Service Monitoring
c) Application Performance Monitoring
d) Docker Running Performance Monitoring
09. What are the scenarios in managing multiple Kubernetes Cluster in Hybrid & Multi Cloud Environment?
a) Kubernetes Cluster Federation
b) Auto Scaling to Serverless Kubernetes
c) Register External Kubernetes Cluster to be managed from Alibaba Cloud Container Service Console
d) Manage every Cluster manually but to connect to the same image repository
10. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about Alibaba Cloud Container Registry (ACR)?
a) ACR is able to replicate images across regions
b) ACR provides vulnerability scanning for uploaded images
c) ACR can manage helm charts
d) ACR’s standard version includes cross-region image replication


Question: 01
Answer: c
Question: 02
Answer: a
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: c
Question: 05
Answer: d
Question: 06
Answer: f
Question: 07
Answer: b
Question: 08
Answer: d
Question: 09
Answer: a
Question: 10
Answer: d

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