01. What is the maximum storage size that PolarDB currently provides?
a) 1TB
b) 10TB
c) 50TB
d) 100TB
02. Which of the following architectures are supported by ApsaraDB for Redis Enhanced Edition (Tair)?
(Number of correct answers: 3)
a) Read/write splitting architecture in which standard master-replica instances are deployed
b) Master-replica architecture in which standard master-replica instances are deployed
c) Single-node architecture
d) Cluster master-replica instances
03. How can ApsaraDB for MyBase solve problems in database security and performance interferences in the multi-tenant scenario?
a) Isolated hosts are used. A host runs only your instances and does not run instances of other users.
b) ApsaraDB for MyBase allows you to distribute different types of instances at a time.
c) Instances can be migrated. You can manually migrate instances to idle hosts.
d) ApsaraDB for MyBase supports resource over commitment.
04. You have a client that wants to move from another cloud provider's database service to RDS. Which of these is the best way to move their database to Alibaba Cloud?
a) Make a full physical backup of their database and copy it into OSS
b) Use DTS (Data Transmission Service)
c) This type of migration isn't possible
d) Migrate the entire VM hosting the database
05. Suppose you are using MySQL currently, if you want to migrate to cloud native database PolarDB with little effort, which one is the best choice?
a) PolarDB MySQL
b) PolarDB PosgreSQL
c) PolarDB Oracle
d) PolarDB Box
06. Which of the following tools can be used to migrate an on-premises database to Alibaba Cloud while causing minimal service downtime?
a) pg_restore
b) pg_basebackup
c) pg_dump
d) pg_upgrade
07. When a backup file of core sensitive data is downloaded, business systems must be protected against data breaches. Which of the following capabilities must be enabled to ensure data security?
a) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption
b) SOL audit
c) Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
d) Virtual private cloud (VPC)
08. Which of the following architectures is not supported by ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL?
a) The single-node Basic Edition architecture, which can be used in test and non-core production environments.
b) The high-availability architecture, in which primary and read-only nodes are deployed to implement automatic failovers.
c) The three-node Enterprise Edition architecture, which ensures zero data loss.
d) The serverless architecture, in which computing resources are charged based on the pay-as-yougo billing method.
09. If you want to migrate a MySQL database that has a storage capacity of 20 TB to Alibaba Cloud, which of the following is the most suitable database service that can be used?
a) ApsaraDB for Redis
b) PolarDB for MySQL
c) ApsaraDB for MongoDB
d) Kubernetes PolarDB for MySQL
10. Which of the following compute engines are supported by Data Lake Analytics (DLA)?
(Number of correct answers: 2)
a) Hive
b) Presto
c) Spark
d) Flink