Alibaba ACP Cloud Computing (ACP-Cloud1) Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium Alibaba ACP Cloud Computing Certification Practice Exam. The premium certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual Alibaba Cloud Computing (ACP) exam.

Alibaba ACP Cloud Computing Sample Questions:

01. An Elastic Public IP address (EIP) cannot be accessed via HTTP. Which of the following options could result in this issue?
a) EIP and user are not in the same region.
b) EIP is not assigned to ECS instance
c) ECS security group rule disabled the access via port 80
d) The account is suspended due to payment overdue.
02. You found the data in one of the ECS instances is deleted by mistake and you need to roll back to a certain time point to recover the data. However, you find you are not able to roll back the instance, which of the followings can be the potential reason?
a) The ECS is running
b) The ECS is starting
c) The ECS is expired
d) The ECS is stopped
03. Some social media website is built on top of Alibaba Cloud SLB, ECS and RDS. The operation team is planning to start online streaming and broadcasting services which can cater 200k members. Which of the following services are required?
a) High Performance Computing
b) Auto Scaling
c) OSS
d) Media Transcoding
e) CDN
04. When a staff tries to login to the server from an unusual location, an alarm will be triggered. Which of the following method can be used to avoid this alarm?
a) Submit workflow to Alibaba cloud engineer
b) Seek help from the senior staff
c) Seek help from friends
d) Log into Alibaba Cloud console, and add frequent login location
05. A company has set up several virtual machines in an isolated virtual network and the IP range, subnetting, routing configuration of this virtual network can be customised. What is this kind of virtual network called in Alibaba Cloud?
a) SDN
b) NFC
c) VPC
d) VPN
06. What are the advantages of Cloud computing compared with traditional IDCs?
a) Save cost for Infrastructure
b) Quick application builds
c) Simplifies operation and Maintenance
d) Complete control of low-level infrastructure
e) More flexible and better agility
07. Which of the followings does not rely on the scaling group lifecycle and will not be deleted if the scaling group is deleted?
a) Scheduled task
b) Scaling configuration
c) Scaling rules
d) Scaling activities
08. Which of the following functions shall be used to delete objects based on certain criteria or the whole bucket?
a) Delete one by one item in the OSS console
b) Delete multiple items in one batch in the OSS console
c) Use lifecycle management
d) Delete one by one via Open API
09. In an existing scaling group, which of the following configurations can be used to provide a scheduled scaling service?
a) Create a new scaling group
b) Create a new scaling rule
c) Create a scheduled task
d) Create an alarm task
10. How does SLB check the availability of its backend ECS instances?
a) By checking whether the port connection times out
b) By checking the special character in packet sent back from backend ECS instances
c) By checking the status code sent back from backend ECS instances
d) By checking the size of the packet sent back from backend ECS instances


Question: 01
Answer: b, c, d
Question: 02
Answer: a, b, c
Question: 03
Answer: b, c, d, e
Question: 04
Answer: d
Question: 05
Answer: c
Question: 06
Answer: a, b, c, e
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: c
Question: 09
Answer: b, c
Question: 10
Answer: a

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