Genesys PC-ICCE Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based Genesys PC-ICCE questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium Genesys PureConnect ICCE Certification Practice Exam. The premium Genesys PureConnect ICCE certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual PureConnect Interaction Center Core Engineer Certification (PC-ICCE) exam.

Genesys PC-ICCE Sample Questions:

01. What does Nx mean in the exchanges list for an area code?
a) All exchanges in that area code are considered local calls
b) Only international calls are allowed
c) All calls to this area code are toll-free
d) All exchanges in that area code are restricted
02. Where in Interaction Administrator can you see a list of the licenses assigned to your system, and load a new license if needed?
a) Station Configuration
b) License Management
c) User Rights Management
d) Client Template Manager
03. An IC administrator may create SIP lines for various purposes. What items require that a SIP line be created?
(Choose Three)
a) SIP registration for non-managed devices
b) Configure internal routing rules
c) Connections to the PSTN
d) Connections to other SIP servers
e) Assign licenses to SIP stations
04. What is the default port address for the Stations-TLS line?
a) 443
b) 8080
c) 8061
d) 8888
05. What type of license must be assigned to a station so that it can be used for phone calls?
a) ACD License
b) Basic Station License
c) Interaction Media License
d) Supervisor License
06. Match the following Station Type message parts to their description:
a) Start Line - Conveys message attributes such as Via, Contact, Route, and Request-Route
Header - Conveys the message type (Request or Response)
Body (Content) - Session initiated via the SDP contains audio codec selection, sampling rate etc.
b) Start Line - Session initiated via the SDP contains audio codec selection, sampling rate etc.
Header - Conveys message attributes such as Via, Contact, Route, and Request-Route
Body (Content) - Conveys the message type (Request or Response)
c) Start Line - Conveys the message type (Request or Response)
Header - Conveys message attributes such as Via, Contact, Route, and Request-Route
Body (Content) - Session initiated via the SDP contains audio codec selection, sampling rate etc.
d) Start Line - Session initiated via the SDP contains audio codec selection, sampling rate etc.
Header - Conveys the message type (Request or Response)
Body (Content) - Conveys message attributes such as Via, Contact, Route, and Request-Route
07. Which of the following certificates validates audio connections between SIP devices?
a) Line Certificates
b) Client Certificates
c) Station Certificates
d) Encryption Certificates
08. What two main types of licenses are included in an Interaction Center license file?
a) Telephony and Reporting
b) Station and Media
c) Workgroup and Endpoint
d) Feature and Access
09. When an inbound telephone call is received by Interaction Center, which subsystem is the first to handle it?
a) MediaServer
b) TsServer
c) LogServer
d) InteractionAdministrator
10. What application should be used to add Switchover, Multi-site, or a TFTP server to the IC server after the initial installation and configuration has been completed?
a) Interaction Supervisor
b) IC System Manager
c) Setup Assistant
d) Telephony Configuration


Question: 01
Answer: a
Question: 02
Answer: b
Question: 03
Answer: a, c, d
Question: 04
Answer: c
Question: 05
Answer: b
Question: 06
Answer: c
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: d
Question: 09
Answer: b
Question: 10
Answer: c

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