Salesforce AI Associate Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium Salesforce AI Associate Certification Practice Exam. The premium certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual Salesforce Certified AI Associate exam.

Salesforce AI Associate Sample Questions:

01. Which AI capability is essential for understanding customer sentiment from social media?
a) Natural Language Processing (NLP)
b) Machine Vision
c) Robotics
d) Expert Systems
02. How does AI benefit CRM?
a) By replacing human interaction
b) By creating physical products
c) By personalizing customer experiences
d) By focusing solely on data storage
03. Lack of transparency in AI systems can lead to which of the following issues?
a) Improved user experience due to simplified interfaces
b) Difficulty in understanding how decisions are made
c) Increased trust in AI systems by the general public
d) Enhanced privacy and data protection
04. What is a primary benefit of implementing AI in CRM systems?
a) Reducing the need for human customer service representatives
b) Automatically updating software versions
c) Providing personalized experiences to customers
d) Increasing the data storage capacity
05. Which CRM AI capability helps in identifying sales opportunities from email conversations?
a) Chatbots
b) Email sentiment analysis
c) Data visualization
d) Automated data entry
06. What aspect of data quality directly impacts the interpretability of AI models in Salesforce?
a) The complexity of data
b) The age of data
c) The consistency of data
d) The color of data visualization
07. How should companies apply Salesforce's Trusted AI Principles to improve ethical AI use?
(Select two)
a) By prioritizing the development of AI technologies over ethical considerations
b) Implementing transparent AI practices that allow users to understand how AI makes decisions
c) Developing AI with a focus on user empowerment and equitable outcomes
d) Avoiding the review and adjustment of AI systems post-deployment
08. Why is data quality crucial for AI-driven predictions in Salesforce?
a) It ensures faster system performance.
b) It guarantees data privacy.
c) It improves the accuracy of predictions.
d) It reduces the cost of data storage.
09. AI in CRM can significantly enhance customer service. How does it achieve this?
a) By providing real-time, personalized responses to customer inquiries via chatbots
b) Increasing the time it takes to resolve customer issues
c) Offering generic solutions to all customer problems
d) Reducing the frequency of customer interaction
10. Why is high-quality data essential for the success of AI systems?
a) It ensures the AI system can operate without any human oversight.
b) Quality data reduces the computational power needed for AI algorithms.
c) It guarantees the AI system will be completely unbiased.
d) High-quality data leads to more accurate and reliable AI predictions and decisions.


Question: 01
Answer: a
Question: 02
Answer: c
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: c
Question: 05
Answer: b
Question: 06
Answer: c
Question: 07
Answer: b, c
Question: 08
Answer: c
Question: 09
Answer: a
Question: 10
Answer: d

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