Alibaba ACA Cloud Computing (ACA-Cloud1) Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium Alibaba ACA Cloud Computing Certification Practice Exam. The premium certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual Alibaba Cloud Computing (ACA) exam.

Alibaba ACA Cloud Computing Sample Questions:

01. Which of the following feature does OSS not support?
a) Custom Domain Name
b) Website hosting
c) Anti-leech
d) Anti-DDoS
02. A company wants to use Alibaba Cloud service to replace their self-built database, which of the following services should it choose?
a) Server Load Balancer (SLB)
b) AsparaDB for RDS
c) Alibaba Cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network)
d) Deploy more ECS instances
03. You can create a custom image for ECS using which of the followings?
(Choose two.)
a) Data disk snapshot
b) CPU snapsho
c) Memory snapshot
d) System disk snapshot
04. If you are running an online ticket booking service with relatively fixed traffic, then which kind of charging mode is more suitable for you?
a) Prepaid
b) Pay-As-You-Go
c) Paypal-pay
d) bitcoin-pay
05. What does DDoS stand for?
a) Deny Distributed of Service
b) Denial Distributed of Service
c) Distributed Decouple of Service
d) Distributed Denial of Service
06. Which Alibaba Cloud service safeguards your data and applications from DDoS attacks?
a) DDoS
b) Security Center
c) Anti-DDoS
d) Server Guard
07. When using Alibaba Cloud SLB, you can set different weights for backend ECS instances. The higher the weight of a backend ECS instance, the more load will be assigned to it.
If an SLB instance has 5 ECS instances in the backend server pool, all of which are healthy. Among these 5 ECS instances, the weight of ecs_inst1 is set to 100.
Which of the following statements is correct?
a) Based on SLB’s working mechanism, approximately 20% of loads will be assigned to ecs_inst1.
b) 100% of loads will be assigned to ecs_inst1, and the rest 4 ECS instances will stay idle.
c) We do not know the weight settings of the remaining 4 ECS instances, so we cannot tell what would happen.
d) Based on request level parameters of external requests, all requests with a request level parameter of 100 will be transferred to ecs_inst1.
08. In OSS Image Processing service, URLs are accessed with standard HTTP GET requests, and all processing parameters are in the QueyString of the URL. Which of the following modes are supported by image processing function?
(Number of correct answers: 2)
a) Picture mode
b) Parameter mode
c) Style mode
d) Interactive mode
09. A company wants to use Alibaba Cloud service to replace their self-built load balancers, which of the following services should it choose?
a) CLB
b) SLB
c) ALB
d) NLB
10. When using Alibaba Cloud SLB, you can set health checks for backend ECS instances. Which of the following statements is correct?
a) Health checks ensure that request traffic is shifted away from a failed instance
b) Health checks ensure that request traffic is shifted to failed instances
c) Health checks ensure that request traffic is shifted away from instances
d) Health checks ensure that request traffic is shifted to instances


Question: 01
Answer: d
Question: 02
Answer: b
Question: 03
Answer: a, d
Question: 04
Answer: a
Question: 05
Answer: d
Question: 06
Answer: c
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: b, c
Question: 09
Answer: b
Question: 10
Answer: a

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