Alibaba ACP Container Service (ACP-ContainerService) Certification Exam Syllabus

ACP-ContainerService Dumps Questions, ACP Container Service PDF, ACP Container Service Exam Questions PDF, Alibaba ACP Container Service Dumps Free, ACP Container Service Official Cert Guide PDF, Alibaba ACP-ContainerService Dumps, Alibaba ACP-ContainerService PDFThe Alibaba ACP Container Service exam preparation guide is designed to provide candidates with necessary information about the ACP-ContainerService exam. It includes exam summary, sample questions, practice test, objectives and ways to interpret the exam objectives to enable candidates to assess the types of questions-answers that may be asked during the Alibaba Container Service (ACP) exam.

It is recommended for all the candidates to refer the ACP Container Service objectives and sample questions provided in this preparation guide. The Alibaba ACP-ContainerService certification is mainly targeted to the candidates who want to build their career in Cloud Native domain and demonstrate their expertise. We suggest you to use practice exam listed in this cert guide to get used to with exam environment and identify the knowledge areas where you need more work prior to taking the actual Alibaba ACP Container Service exam.

Alibaba ACP Container Service Exam Summary:

Exam Name
Alibaba ACP Container Service (ACP-ContainerService)
Exam Code ACP-ContainerService
Exam Price $120 USD
Duration 120 minutes
Number of Questions 100
Passing Score 65/100
Recommended Training / Books ACP Container Service Certification Exam Preparation Course
Schedule Exam PEARSON VUE
Sample Questions Alibaba ACP Container Service Sample Questions
Recommended Practice Alibaba Container Service (ACP) Practice Test

Alibaba ACP Container Service Syllabus:

Section Objectives
Container Technology
- Familiar with definition of cloud native, core cloud native technologies, and typical architectures and models of Cloud Native.
Familiar with container, container orchestration and cloud-native of core technical concepts, including the functions of Docker and Kubernetes features, core components, application practice, etc. 
Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)
- Familiar with the concepts of Alibaba Cloud container service for Kubernetes (ACK), mainly including its three forms, architecture, functions, advantages, and application scenarios. Familiar with the method of using ACK for application lifecycle management.
Familiar with the concept and use of basic functions such as network management, storage management, and log and monitoring management for ACK.
Able to skillfully manage ACK auto scaling, cluster management, application release management and security system management. 
Serverless Kubernetes (ASK)
- Familiar with serverless concepts related to ACK, including the differences between ASK and ACK, application scenarios, core functions, and components.
Master the specific operation and configuration of ASK, including ASK cluster management, application management, and network, storage, log, and monitoring management, and have the ability to automatically scale the ASK cluster according to the actual business.
Service mesh (ASM)
- Understand the functions and advantages of service mesh and be familiar with the relevant concepts of Alibaba Cloud service mesh ASM, mainly including the product architecture and functional characteristics, product advantages and application scenarios of ASM.
Master the use of the core functions of ASM, including authorization management, grid diagnosis, ingress gateway configuration, traffic management, and observability management.
You can use ASM to build a managed and unified service mesh, manage ACK clusters in a consistent manner, and perform consistent observability and traffic control.
Understand the considerations in the use of the service mesh ASM to identify and resolve common problems during use.
Container Registry (ACR)
- Familiarity Docker basic concepts about Container Registry and Alibaba Cloud Container Registry, including the relationships and characteristics between ACR and Docker, application scenarios, as well as the core functions of Container Registry default instance edition and Enterprise Edition.
Master the specific operations and configuration of default instance edition and Enterprise Edition ACR, including instance creation, network, permissions, delivery chain management, image security scanning and acceleration.
Understand ACR the following precautions can be taken to find and solve common problems during use.
Edge container service (ACK@Edge):
- Familiarity with ACK@Edge related concepts, including The Edge container scenario and cloud-edge integration collaboration.
Master ACK@Edge can create highly available edge nodes in one click through the console. Kubernetes and manage and maintain clusters, as well as scale-out, upgrade, logging, and monitoring of edge clusters.
Use of Alibaba Cloud Edge container service ACK@Edge performs unified lifecycle management and resource scheduling for applications in edge computing scenarios.


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