Nutanix Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA) Certification Exam Syllabus

NCP-MCA Dumps Questions, NCP-MCA PDF, Multicloud Automation Exam Questions PDF, Nutanix NCP-MCA Dumps Free, Multicloud Automation Official Cert Guide PDF, Nutanix Multicloud Automation Dumps, Nutanix Multicloud Automation PDFThe Nutanix NCP-MCA exam preparation guide is designed to provide candidates with necessary information about the Multicloud Automation exam. It includes exam summary, sample questions, practice test, objectives and ways to interpret the exam objectives to enable candidates to assess the types of questions-answers that may be asked during the Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA) exam.

It is recommended for all the candidates to refer the NCP-MCA objectives and sample questions provided in this preparation guide. The Nutanix Multicloud Automation certification is mainly targeted to the candidates who want to build their career in Professional Level domain and demonstrate their expertise. We suggest you to use practice exam listed in this cert guide to get used to with exam environment and identify the knowledge areas where you need more work prior to taking the actual Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation exam.

Nutanix NCP-MCA Exam Summary:

Exam Name Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation
Exam Code NCP-MCA
Exam Price $199 USD
Duration 120 minutes
Number of Questions 75
Passing Score 3000/1000-6000
Recommended Training / Books Nutanix Multicloud Automation Administration (NMCAA)
Schedule Exam Nutanix
Sample Questions Nutanix NCP-MCA Sample Questions
Recommended Practice Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA) Practice Test

Nutanix Multicloud Automation Syllabus:

Section Objectives
Describe and Differentiate Automation Concepts and Principles - Determine and apply the steps required to automate a given manual process
  • Determine the logical steps in automating a process (e.g., put things in order of operation utilizing Self-Service library and pre-create and post-delete with Self-Service)
  • Given a graphic, determine how to use Self-Service to complete the pre-provisioning steps

- Demonstrate an understanding of event-driven Playbooks

  • Demonstrate an understanding of how to create a Playbook by setting trigger and defining actions
  • Arrange playbook steps (using X-Play)
  • Create a playbook that applies to multiple virtual infrastructure resources

- Define the components of X-Play

  • Define Playbook’s action gallery and plays
  • Identify alerts and manual triggers

- List how to implement categories for the appropriate use cases

  • Describe how to create Categories
  • Explain the effects of Categories
  • Given a category and a blueprint, infer if a policy will be applied to a VM

- Identify the capabilities of Projects

  • Describe how to create Projects
  • Define how to assign RBAC in a Project
  • Define how to create quotas
  • Explain the definition of a project
  • Define how to assign infrastructure to a project
Deploy and Configure Self-service and Related Components - Given a scenario, create a blueprint to deploy infrastructure and applications using Self-Service
  • Given a scenario, determine the correct method to create a Self-Service blueprint
  • Given a scenario, determine the correct method to create a substrate
  • Given a scenario, determine the correct method to create a day two action
  • Given a scenario, determine the correct method to create a task
  • Given a scenario, determine the correct method to configure install/uninstall packages
  • Determine which task type to use per script language/function
  • Determine pre-requirements for Self-Service deployment
  • Determine how to utilize Self-Service built-in macros within blueprints
  • Determine how to set application infrastructure requirements related to automation optimization
  • Determine if an application profile should be used in the Blueprint

- Demonstrate an Understanding of Self-service Managed Infrastructure and Applications

  • Determine how to scale out and/or in
  • Determine how to retire a managed application
  • Determine how to manage an application
  • Determine how to run a task

- Identify required configuration settings for a Self-Service deployment

  • Describe how to configure providers
  • Recall the requirements for setting up environments within Self-Service to deploy to various supported Accounts
  • Define Marketplace capabilities
  • Describe how to configure endpoints
  • Describe how to create a library item

- Identify common Blueprint features

  • Identify built-in macros, tasks, and action/task dependencies
  • Identify blueprint features to include authentication credentials in a cloudinit and sysprep
  • Recognize the syntax of a macro
  • Identify application profiles

- Identify common Runbook features

  • Identify task types
  • Identify built-in macros, tasks, and task dependencies

- Describe the features and requirements of Self-Service

  • Describe Self-Service requirements
  • Define Self-Service use cases

- Identify common Governance features

  • Describe an approval policy
  • Describe a scheduler task
Validate Blueprints, Runbooks, Playbooks, and Automation Settings

- Determine the causes of a Blueprint or Runbook deployment failure

  • Determine how to use audit trails to identify a task that has failed
  • Given an error message, explain the issue

- Describe where to find information to assist in validation

  • Given an issue with Self-Service, locate troubleshooting data/collect the logs
  • Given an issue with Playbooks, locate troubleshooting data/collect the logs

- Determine the correct method to validate required Playbook configurations

  • Given a Playbook and symptom, explain an issue
  • Given a scenario, determine how to correctly configure a Playbook

- Determine the causes of issues associated with automation

  • Given a scenario/screenshot, interpret the issue
  • Given a log, infer what type of issue may be present
  • Determine how to optimize a workflow to align with best practices
  • Given a scenario/image, explain how to triage/frame/predict an issue
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