Salesforce CRT-261 Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based Salesforce CRT-261 questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium Salesforce Service Cloud Consultant Certification Practice Exam. The premium Salesforce Service Cloud Consultant certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant exam.

Salesforce CRT-261 Sample Questions:

01. Which three features should a Consultant recommend to allow a customer to resolve issues through self-service?
(Choose 3)
a) Customer Community
b) Live Agent
c) Knowledge Base
d) Chatter Answers
e) Web -to -Case
02. A case has not been closed even after 30 days, but those cases can be closed in 7 days. What should the consultant do to overcome this?
(Choose 2)
a) Identify those cases and assign to the closure team
b) Use auto response rule to send an email
c) Supervisors to investigate those cases
d) Use escalation rule to send an email
03. How is the hash mark (e.g., #salesforce) used in chatter?
a) Indicates the name of a group in which to place the Chatter message
b) Indicates a clickable URL hyperlink
c) Ties the Chatter message to a topic
d) Links the Chatter message to Twitter
04. Which two capabilities of Lightning Knowledge ensure accurate content in articles?
(Choose 2)
a) Knowledge Action to Publish an Article once the Article is approved.
b) Data Category to assign an article record type to a Reviewer.
c) Approval Process that assigns an Article to a Reviewer Queue.
d) Validation Rules for article record types to verify all fields during creation.
05. For which purpose should a contact center use visual workflow?
a) To automatically assign cases to a specific queue based on the customer support level.
b) To escalate a case to the support manager if it has been open for more than 72 hours.
c) To automate business processes for agents who troubleshoot customer support issues via phone.
d) To assign follow-up tasks to an agent one week after a case is closed.
06. When a Self Service Portal User adds a Case Comment the following actions take place?
a) A Workflow rules is activated
b) An email is automatically sent to the case owner
c) An Assignment Rule is Activated
d) None of the above
07. Sales engineer needs visibility to list field edits, emails, case comments, and related objects on ONE page. How can this be achieved?
a) Custom Visual force page
b) Customer view of case tab
c) Custom related list
d) Custom report
08. Which application will allow a client to enable Ideas on a public website?
a) Self-service portal
b) Customer portal
c) Partner portal
d) Sites
09. Why would customer upgrade from self-service to customer portal?
(Choose 3)
a) Access to custom objects
b) Branded site
c) Simpler and easier to configure
d) Better reporting
10. What are benefits of deploying Knowledge in a high volume Service Cloud portal?
(Choose 2)
a) Eliminates tracking of customer entitlements
b) Replaces the need for an email channel
c) Reduces incoming call volume
d) Uncovers gaps in the knowledge base


Question: 01
Answer: a, c, d
Question: 02
Answer: a, c
Question: 03
Answer: c
Question: 04
Answer: b, c
Question: 05
Answer: c
Question: 06
Answer: b
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: d
Question: 09
Answer: a, b, d
Question: 10
Answer: c, d

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