VMware 1V0-71.21 Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based VMware 1V0-71.21 questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium VMware VCTA-AM 2024 Certification Practice Exam. The premium VMware Application Modernization 2024 certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual VMware Certified Technical Associate - Application Modernization 2024 (VCTA-AM 2024) exam.

VMware 1V0-71.21 Sample Questions:

01. How do Kubernetes Ingress Controllers run?
a) As a system service installed to the OS of a worker node
b) As one or more pods in the same cluster to where they are forwarding traffic
c) As a controller inside the Kubernetes Scheduler component
d) As a controller inside the Kubernetes Controller Manager component
02. Why do enterprises need Application Modernization?
a) The cost of maintaining older applications are too great
b) To migrate all applications to the cloud
c) To realize the benefits of unstructured data over relational databases
d) To build new applications is the only way to achieve a modern application
03. If a Kubernetes Pod cannot be scheduled, where can the reason be found?
a) Pod Spec
b) Event
c) Container logs
d) Pod Status
04. Which open-source solution provides log processing and forwarding in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid?
a) Harbor
b) Ansible
c) Fluent Bit
d) Apache
05. What are two responsibilities of the Kubernetes API server component?
(Choose two.)
a) To restart containers that have crashed
b) To query and manipulate the state of API objects in Kubernetes
c) To relay Kubernetes API requests to the appropriate Kubernetes component
d) To determine which node a Pod should be assigned to
e) To reject API requests that do not validate against the Kubernetes API
06. When building container images, what does the term "Dockerfile" refer to?
a) A text file containing instructions for building a Docker container image
b) A pre-built Docker container image
c) A script used for automating Kubernetes deployment
d) A configuration file for defining network policies in Kubernetes
07. Which Tanzu product enables users to monitor, observe, and analyze infrastructure and application health?
a) Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
b) Tanzu Application Catalog
c) Tanzu Build Service
d) Tanzu Observability
08. What are three names of services provided by VMware vSphere with Tanzu?
(Choose three.)
a) Application Automation Service
b) Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service
c) Container Build Service
d) Storage Service
e) Observability Service
f) Network Service
09. Which VMware Tanzu Edition can deploy Tanzu Kubernetes Grid on vSphere ONLY?
a) Tanzu Platinum
b) Tanzu Advanced
c) Tanzu Limited
d) Tanzu Basic
10. What is the purpose of a ConfigMap in Kubernetes?
a) To map configuration data to Kubernetes Object types
b) To set configuration data separately from application code
c) To configure geospatial objects in Kubernetes
d) To map Kubernetes objects to Namespaces


Question: 01
Answer: b
Question: 02
Answer: a
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: c
Question: 05
Answer: b, e
Question: 06
Answer: a
Question: 07
Answer: d
Question: 08
Answer: b, d, f
Question: 09
Answer: d
Question: 10
Answer: b

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