VMware 5V0-11.21 Certification Exam Sample Questions

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VMware 5V0-11.21 Sample Questions:

01. A company has experienced performance and capacity issues between their on-premises data center and VMware Cloud on AWS software-defined data center (SDDC).
An administrator is tasked with finding a solution that will help the company better understand resource utilization and distribute workloads across clusters within either environment.
The solution must include alert and monitoring, as well as the ability to take corrective action to remediate configuration issues, optimize virtual machines and consolidate applications.
Which VMware solution should the administrator deploy to meet these requirements?
a) vRealize Automation Cloud
b) vRealize Log Insight Cloud
c) vRealize Network Insight Cloud
d) vRealize Operations Cloud
02. Which two VMware Cloud on AWS maintenance tasks are the responsibility of VMware personnel?
(Choose two.)
a) Back up and restore VMware appliances and infrastructure.
b) Patch firmware and BIOS.
c) Refresh hardware and replace failed components.
d) Patch VMware Cloud on AWS components.
e) Upgrade workload VMware Tools.
03. All internal infrastructure components must only be accessible and addressable through private internal addressing. How can an administrator enable access to VMware vCenter in VMware Cloud on AWS?
a) Establish an AWS Direct Connect using a public virtual interface (VIF) into the softwaredefined data center (SDDC) and all internal networks will be able to reach the VMware Cloud on AWS management components.
b) Establish an IPSec Virtual Private Network (VPN) between the on-premises data center and VMware Cloud in AWS and configure the VMware vCenter in the VMware Cloud on AWS service to use private DNS settings.
c) Establish an HCX Virtual Private Network (VPN) and use a Layer 2 stretched network to reach the VMware vCenter in the VMware Cloud on AWS.
d) Use a network address translation (NAT) address for the VMware vCenter in VMware Cloud on AWS to allow access
04. A company is providing VMware Horizon virtual desktops to remote, seasonal and home office workers. Recent events have caused the number of virtual desktops required to increase beyond the capacity of the company's on-premises data center.
The administrator decides to deploy a VMware Cloud on AWS software-defined data center (SDDC). The existing on-premises VMware Horizon environment will utilize the additional capacity alongside with auxiliary server workloads. The company is also evaluating VMware Cloud on AWS as a target for disaster recovery.
To which two VMware Cloud on AWS use cases is this scenario aligned?
(Choose two.)
a) Footprint expansion
b) Virtual desktops
c) Application build-out
d) Hybrid applications
e) Hybrid Linked Mode
05. An administrator is going to migrate 120 virtual machines from an on-premises data center with VMware vSphere into VMware Cloud on AWS.
On average, each virtual machine is consuming 4 virtual CPUs, 16GB of RAM and 120GB of storage. Service interruption should be avoided if possible and budget restrictions are the highest priority.
Which approach should the administrator take to meet these requirements?
a) Activate VMware HCX in VMware Cloud on AWS. Download the Connector appliance, deploy it to the on-premises data center, create a service mesh and use Bulk Migration
b) Activate VMware Site Recovery in VMware Cloud on AWS. Download the Site Recovery Manager appliance, deploy it to the on-premises data center, create service mappings and use planned failover for the migration
c) Activate VMware HCX in VMware Cloud on AWS. Download the Connector appliance, deploy it to the on-premises data center, create a service mesh and use Replication Assisted vMotion (RAV).
d) Configure an AWS Direct Connect private VIF to your VMware Cloud on AWS softwaredefined data center (SDDC). Enable Hybrid Linked Mode and use VMware Cross vCenter vMotion to migrate the virtual machines.
06. An architect runs an analysis of its environment using Live Optics and, using the VMware Cloud on AWS Sizer, determines that a cluster of seven i3en.metal hosts in a single availability zone is sufficient to host their workloads.
However, due to availability requirements, the architect decides a stretched cluster is needed. 
What should the architect do to size the cluster appropriately?
a) Use the Advanced Sizer to import the Live Optics data again and select the option to configure a stretched cluster.
b) Use the VMware Cloud on AWS Sizer to modify the existing analysis and select the option to configure a stretched cluster.
c) Use the Quick Sizer to import the Live Optics data again and select the option to configure a stretched cluster.
d) Double the number of suggested hosts from the first analysis.
07. An administrator will be moving an application stack to run in VMware Cloud on AWS. Which VMware tool can the administrator use to identify all of the application dependencies?
a) vRealize Operations Cloud
b) vRealize Network Insight Cloud
c) vRealize Log Insight Cloud
d) vRealize Automation Cloud
08. How does VMware Cloud on AWS provide seamless management and operational consistency with an on-premises SDDC?
a) An on-premises VMware vSphere environment can be linked with VMware Cloud on AWS using AWS Direct Connect
b) An on-premises VMware vSphere environment can be linked with VMware Cloud on AWS through Hybrid Linked Mode
c) An on-premises VMware vCenter Server can register and manage the VMware ESXi hosts in VMware Cloud on AWS.
d) An on-premises VMware ESXi host can be registered and managed by the VMware vCenter Server in VMware Cloud on AWS.
09. An administrator has a newly deployed VMware Cloud on AWS software-defined data center (SDDC) configured with Hybrid Linked Mode. The administrator would like to use the same ISOs, templates and scripts in both environments to reduce maintenance and version drifts.
What can the administrator use to meet these requirements?
a) vSphere Replication
b) Upload files using the VMware vSphere Client
c) vSphere Content Library
d) Content Onboarding Assistant
10. Which two options are true about Elastic DRS alert notifications?
(Choose two.)
a) For scale out only, the alert is processed immediately by notifying organizational administrators and waits for approval to provision.
b) The alert notifies organizational users in the VMware Cloud console and email.
c) The alert is processed immediately and displays as an alert notification in VMware vCenter.
d) For scale in of the Default Storage policy, the alert is processed immediately by removing the host from the cluster.
e) Elastic DRS alert event details are tracked in VMware vCenter Server log files.


Question: 01
Answer: d
Question: 02
Answer: a, d
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: a, b
Question: 05
Answer: c
Question: 06
Answer: a
Question: 07
Answer: b
Question: 08
Answer: b
Question: 09
Answer: c
Question: 10
Answer: b, e

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